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Pre-K Classes

The ABeka Curriculum

The ABeka curriculum will be used for both letters and numbers. In the Pre-K 4/5 classes, the children will be taught the:

  • Names, sounds, and pictures of both Vowels and Consonants
  • Practice writing letters learned in phonics
  • Letters and Blends
  • Introducing the sounding of blends, one-vowel words, and two-vowel rule
  • Printing first and last name using both upper and lower case letters
  • Counting 1 - 100
  • Recognizing and understanding concept of 1 - 20
  • Number family concept
  • Before and After numbers
  • Larger than and smaller than concept
  • Combinations 1 + 1 = 2 through 9 + 1 = 10

ABeka curriculum, developed by Christian teachers and administrators, guides teachers' lessons in phonics and printing, helping the children progress toward reading. From very young ages, children's reading development is dependent on their understanding of the alphabetic principle - the idea that letters and letter patterns represent the sounds of the spoken language.

What is the Alphabetic Principle?
The alphabetic principle is the simple idea that the letters we use in print represent the sounds we use in speech. Children must grasp this concept in order to combine letters to form words and read.

Children learn the name of each letter, followed by their shape and sound, beginning with vowels first and then consonants as the children progress.

Children learn both the uppercase and lowercase letter forms. While uppercase letters are easier, it is important to expose children to and teach them lowercase letters early as they will see words in books.

Children are counting by rote as well as recognizing numbers and the concepts of numbers.